Register DSO Agency
Information of the private company or the municipal corporation to which the desludging operator is employed.
Register Vehicles
These are details that vehicle owners should provide to register their vehicle in the system.
Register DSOs
This includes details of the desludging operators who are registering in the system.
Register FSTP
These are details of the feacal sludge treatment plant tagged to the municipality.
Apply for Desludging
Citizen information that needs to be collected to accept and fulfill the desludging request.
Assign DSO Agency
The assignment of DSOs There are various models like ROTA, Price/Bidding, etc for DSO assignment. There are various models of DSO assignment: Rotational, Bidding, Availability-based.
Assign vehicle
Selection of vehicles available to service a request.
Confirm disposal
Details that need to be filled at the FSTP user interface to confirm that sludge being disposed of.
Decline disposal
Details that need to be filled at the feacal sludge treatment plant user interface to reject sludge disposal.
Calculate payment
Information needed to calculate the cost of the service request.
Complete service delivery
Details needed to close a request by the DSO on their User Interface after servicing a request.
Rate service delivery
Details filled by the citizen to rate a service.
Last updated
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