FSM Implementation Configuration

MDMS Configuration

FSTP Plant Info

The FSTP plant info contains plant operational capacity per day of each ULB and other plant-related information. It is required to calculate the FSTP capacity utilization in percentage form. MDMS file details:

egov-mdms-data/FSTPPlantInfo.json at QA · egovernments/egov-mdms-data``

	"MdmsCriteria": {
		"tenantId": "pb",
		"moduleDetails": [{
			"moduleName": "dss-dashboard",
			"masterDetails": [{
				"name": "dashboard-config"
		}, {
			"moduleName": "FSM",
			"masterDetails": [{
				"name": "FSTPPlantInfo"

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All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.