FSM Functional Specification

Desludging Operator Registration

Desludging operators (DSO) can be registered via a user interface (UI) available to the urban local body (ULB) admin. Once created, multiple vehicles and drivers can be mapped to a DSO. DSOs can also be enabled/disabled in the system.

Desludging operators will have the following details:

Driver Registration

Drivers can be registered via a UI available to the ULB admin. Once created, a driver can be mapped to a DSO. Drivers can also be enabled/disabled in the system.

Driver operators will have the following details:

Vehicle Registration

Vehicles can be registered via a UI available to the ULB admin. Once created, a vehicle can be mapped to a DSO. Vehicles can also be enabled/disabled in the system.

Vehicles operators will have the following details:

Apply for Desludging Services

The citizen or the ULB official can apply for a desludging request.

Application Channel

  • Citizens can apply online using the web application.

  • Citizens can walk into a ULB and submit a request to the counter operator, who then creates an application on behalf of the citizen online.

  • Citizens can call the ULB and request for a desludging operation, which can then be transformed into an online application by the ULB official.

Application Submission

  • Desludging applications can be created by a citizen.

  • Desludging application requests can be created by a ULB official on behalf of a citizen.

- If the application is created by a ULB official, then capture the channel in which the request was received. It will be an additional field in the UI to capture the channel.

Service Request Fee

  • Service request fee is calculated as a multiplier of the amount per trip defined in the billing slab table (based on property type, sub-type, whether it is a slum, vehicle capacity) and the number of trips.

  • For certain combinations with the above parameters, the pricing can be set at zero. In such cases, demand will not be generated.

  • ULBs can configure a minimum advance payment to be collected before starting a request. This can either be a fixed value (starting from 0) or a percentage (ranging from 0-100). Citizens will be able to make a payment above the minimum advance amount, and below the total trip amount as an advance payment.

Payment: Online/Cash Counter

  • Citizens can make both the advance and balance payments online.

  • Citizens can make both the advance and balance payments at the ULB counter.

  • Payment receipts will be generated and sent across via SMS. They can be downloaded at the citizen and ULB interfaces.

Update Application Request by ULB Official

  • When a service request is received by a ULB official, he/she can do the following:

- Search and assign a DSO to the application request.

- Cancel the application with remarks.

- Update the application request with the number of trips required to empty the septic tank or Pit and the vehicle details.

- Change the DSO from an application request if the assigned DSO is not available.

- Update the status of the request as completed, post desludging.

- View past records of requests and service delivery.

Cancellation of application

  • A citizen or a ULB official can cancel the application online.

  • Citizens can cancel it only if the DSO is not assigned to the service request.

  • Application cannot be cancelled if the payment is made already.

  • ULB officials can cancel it only if the service is not completed by the DSO.

SMS and Email Updates

  • SMS and email updates are sent on every necessary process of the entire process flow.

Application view by DSO

  • A DSO should get notified about the request that is assigned to him/her. On receiving the request, the following actions can be taken:

- View the request.

- Assign requests to a vehicle.

- Update the number of trips.

- Flag a request ready for disposal.

- Close the request post desludging.

  • One DSO cannot see the details of the other DSO or the request assigned to the other DSOs.

Feedback by Citizen

Citizens can provide feedback on the desludging request:

  • There will be an option to rate the service provided with comments.

  • There will be an option for citizens to update whether safety equipment is used by the sanitary workers during the operation.

Vehicle Entry by FSTP/STP Plant Operator

Plant operators can do the following:

  • View the list of desludging operations for a day. Since an application may have multiple trips, the plant operator will view multiple line items against an application in the inbox.

  • Update the Vehicle entry log against an application request with the details like:

- Date and time of entry.

- Volume of sludge dumped at the plant.

  • If a vehicle without a corresponding request arrives at the FSTP, the FSTP can record the vehicle entry.

  • The DSO can also decline an incoming vehicle.

Feedback by Citizens

Citizens can provide feedback on the desludging request:

  • Rate the service provided (1-5 stars).

  • Multi-select to update whether safety equipment is used by the sanitary workers during the operation.

List of PDFs

  • Acknowledgement Recepit: Confirming receipt of desludging receipts.

  • Payment receipts: Multiple payment receipts based on the payments made.


Daily desludging request report

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Area-wise daily collection report

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FSTP/STP plant report with vehicle logs

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Workflow Desludging Application

Advance Balance Workflow

Pay Later Workflow

Zero Price Workflow

Last updated

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