Requirements to enable FSM Module in a new evironment
To enable FSM module in any new environment, we would need to perform certain steps. Considering an AWS account is already setup, following are the steps to be followed:
Configuration Requirements
Update the Configs repo with the following requirements:
Indexer config: We will need following indexer files for setting up any module FSM indexer Vehicle indexer Vendor indexer Demand/billing indexer Payment indexer
Searcher config FSM searcher
Pdf config Data config: fsm-receipt Format config: fsm-receipt
Reports fsm-report Also mention the path of the above report file here.
Dashboard configs => ChartApiConfig.json => MasterDashboardConfig.json
Add all mdms configs required
Add all Actions/endpoints required for fsm as mentioned in this file. Add all actions with respect to core and business-services as well, like those of - egov-user, egov-mdms-service, apportion-service, collection-service, billing-service, egov-location, egov-common-masters, egov-idgen, egf-master, egov-user-event, otp services, access, egov-workflow-v2, data-uploader, egov-hrms, filestore-service, pdf-service, egov-pdf, report, localization-service, egov-persister, egov-indexer, egov-searcher, eg-pg-service, dasboard-analytics, dashboard-ingest, digit-ui, fsm, fsm-calculator, vendor, vehicle.
Add Role-Action mapping in roleactions.json file
Add required Roles for the respective FSM module in roles.json
Add BillingService, DIGIT-UI, DataSecurity, FSM, Vehicle, Vendor, Workflow, common-masters, dss-dashboard, egf-master, egov-hrms , tenant folders with their respective files.
Also add ULB/city specific data in their respective folders, for instance, create a folder angul and add the respective data files like Slum.json, UrcConfig.json, ZeroPricing.json required.
Note: The data sepecific to any ULB needs to be collected from the ULB officials and need to be present in mdms level. Refer the ULB specific data documentation and updation/upsertion here.
DevOps Requirements
Add all the helm charts with respect to the business-services, core-services and municipal-services. Refer here.
Add DevOps level changes in the evironment file. Refer here. Add all the paths for files in the configs in the environment file. For instance, add the the path of indexer, persister and searcher files, etc. Make sure to add required properties at each service level as defined in the above mentioned environment file.
Backend/Frontend Requirements
Deploy all required core-services builds to support this municipal-services(FSM and its dependent services). The core-services include: egov-accesscontrol, egov-common-masters, egov-data-uploader, egov-document-uploader, egov-enc-service, egov-filestore, egov-idgen,egov-indexer, egov-localization, egov-location, egov-mdms-service, egov-notification-mail, egov-notification-sms, egov-otp, egov-persister, egov-pg-service, egov-searcher, egov-url-shortening, egov-user, egov-workflow-v2, pdf-service, report, user-otp, zuul
Deploy all required business-services builds to support this municipal-service(FSM and its dependent services). The business-services include: billing-service, collection-services, dashboard-analytics, dashboard-ingest, egf-instrument, egf-master, egov-apportion-service, egov-hrms.
Deploy this municipal-service “fsm” as well as dependent municipal-services: fsm-calculator, vendor, vehicle, inbox, egov-user-event.
Upsert the required localizations. Refer this document for detailed steps.
Upsert the workflows as mentioned in the document.
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