How to Enable TQM UI
Enabling TQM module in DIGIT-UI
To access the TQM module in DIGIT-UI, enable it from MDMS and add TQM specific roles for the user to access TQM UI.
Enabling Module from MDMS
Add the following configuration in citymodule.json under this path in MDMS. The reference file is given below.
Enabling TQM Module from UI
Add TQM to these files in DIGIT-UI codebase. Add it in enabledModules Array.
Note: The name "TQM" should match the name "Tqm" added in mdms(citymodule). However, uppercase or lowercase does not matter.
Files for reference:
Sample object:
Roles Required to Access TQM UI
PQM_TP_OPERATOR -> This role is for Plant Operator user
PQM_ADMIN -> This role is for ULB Admin user
Note: One user cannot have both these roles because flows and UI is different for these users. These roles are added in the mdms. The reference file is given below
Recommended Core UI module version
Enhancements were made to the core module version to support some of the features in TQM UI such as help section and notification card in ULB admin's home page
The recommended core version for TQM UI is the following:
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