Sanitation Actors & Interactions
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The above diagram illustrates the integration between each actor. A brief description of each role is provided below:
System Administrator
The user can define boundaries, create roles and users, define properties,, upload lisy of localities and slums, as well as create localisation.
Define boundaries.
Create roles and map to actions.
Create users: Map to the role and boundary (boundary mapping to be confirmed).
Define property types and sub-types.
Define pricing.
Upload the list of localities and pin codes.
Upload the list of slums.
Define the minimum advance pricing to be collected.
Create localisation.
A citizen can request for a desludging operation online. The user can check the status of the application online, make the payment for the service online, and post desludging, they can rate the quality of the service online.
Request for desludging services.
View the acknowledgement receipt.
View the payment receipts.
Track the status of desludging requests.
View the history of past desludging services.
Make online payments.
ULB Employee (Can be assigned roles as creator, collector, editor, report viewer, dashboard viewer or admin)
A ULB official will act as a regulatory and management authority for the entire desludging process. He/she can receive the request from a citizen online or can create a request on behalf of the citizen online. When the request is received, the user can assign a desludging operator for a request. The official can also update the status of the request on behalf of the DSO after the service is completed at the site, and view the relevant reports.
Add, update, and disable vendors.
Add, update, and disable drivers.
Add, update, and disable vehicles.
Map vendors and drivers.
Map vehicles and drivers.
Create desludging service requests on behalf of citizens.
Accept, reject, or update desludging service requests
Assign vendors to desludging services.
Collect service fees.
View dashboards and reports for a specific ULB.
Transportation Vendors
This user can receive the requests assigned by a ULB official, and update the status of the transaction after the service is completed.
Accept/reject desludging requests.
Assign vehicles to requests.
Update the number of trips.
Map the completion of requests.
Treatment Plant Operator
This user can view the current demand, that is, the list of planned desludging requests available in the system. He/she can update the vehicle log which enters the FSTP/STP every day.
Record incoming vehicles against requests.
Record incoming vehicles without associated service requests.
State Administrator
The user can view dashbaords and reports. The user can also filter dasboards and reports for a specific urban local body and by time.
View dashboards and reports for states.
Filter dashboards and reports by time, and for a specific ULB.