SMS Templates for FSM
Sample of SMS present in FSM product :
Localization key
localization message
Employee creates an application
Dear citizen, your application for cleaning septic tank/pit is created with application reference no {2}. You will be notified when an operator is assigned to a request. Request is expected to be completed within {SLA_HOURS}hrs. Thank You. EGOVS.
Dear citizen, your application for cleaning septic tank/pit is created with application reference no FSM-AND-2023-07-27-003405. You will be notified when an operator is assigned to a request. Request is expected to be completed within 48hrs. Thank You. EGOVS.
Citizen creates an application
Dear citizen, your application for cleaning septic tank/pit is created with application reference no {2}. You will be notified when an operator is assigned to a request. Request is expected to be completed within {SLA_HOURS}hrs. Thank You. Govt. of Odisha.
Dear citizen, your application for cleaning septic tank/pit is created with application reference no FSM-AND-2023-07-27-003406. You will be notified when an operator is assigned to a request. Request is expected to be completed within 48hrs. Thank You. Govt. of Odisha.
At the time of assign vehicle
Dear citizen, Vehicle {VEHICLE_REG_NO} will be reaching your location to clean the septic tank/pit on {POSSIBLE_SERVICE_DATE} with reference to your application number {2}. You can contact the operator in +91 {DSO_MOBILE_NUMBER} Thank You. Govt. of Odisha
Dear citizen, Vehicle OD09J7874 will be reaching your location to clean the septic tank/pit on 27-07-2023 with reference to your application number FSM-AND-2023-07-27-003406. You can contact the operator in +91 9988998898 Thank You. Govt. of Odisha
Updating no of trips
Dear citizen, your application for cleaning septic tank /pit with application number {2} is updated and the operator has entered the number of trips: {NO_OF_TRIPS}. Please click this link {PAY_LINK} to pay the amount of Rs {AMOUNT_TO_BE_PAID} towards cleaning of your septic tank/pit. Thank You. EGOVS
Collect payment
Dear citizen, amount of Rs.{AMOUNT_TO_BE_PAID}/- is received towards the payment of cleaning septic tank /pit for reference no. {RECEIPT_NO}. Please click this link {RECEIPT_LINK} to download the receipt. Thank You. Govt. of Odisha
Complete Request
Dear citizen, your request for cleaning septic tank/pit is completed. Please take some time to rate us using the link {FSM_APPL_LINK}. Thank You. Govt. of Odisha
Cancel Request by ULB
Dear citizen, your request for cleaning the septic tank/pit is cancelled with the reason {FSM_CANCEL_REASON}. Please use this link {NEW_FSM_LINK} to create a new request if needed. Thank You. Govt. of Odisha
Decline Request after assinging dso
Dear citizen, your request for cleaning the septic tank/pit is rejected with the reason {FSM_DSO_REJECT_REASON}. Please use this link {NEW_FSM_LINK} to create a new request if needed. Thank You. Govt. of Odisha
Submit Vehicle Trip
Dear citizen, your application for cleaning septic tank /pit with application number {2} is updated and the operator has entered the number of trips: {NO_OF_TRIPS}. Please click this link {PAY_LINK} to pay the amount of Rs {AMOUNT_TO_BE_PAID} towards cleaning of your septic tank/pit. Thank You. EGOVS
After updating trips first time and generating payment
Dear citizen, Your application reference number for cleaning septic tank/pit is {2}. You have opted to pay an advance amount of Rs.{AMOUNT_TO_BE_PAID}/-. Please click this link {PAY_LINK} to make the payment. You will be notified when an operator is assigned. Thank you for contacting us. EGOVS
The above SMS needs to be registered with specific TEMPLATE ID(Eg.'1407169140018862465') for each Localization key from the state Government/Client on their respective SMS portals.
Append the TEMPLATE ID at the end of message. Example.
Push the sms templates in Localisation. SMS related to OTP:
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